Fear Bred

A Baby cries when it’s hungry. But have you even seen a baby crying imagining that it will be hungry in a short while? Have you?

Remember the first time you saw your mom cooking in the kitchen and asked, “Mom what are you doing?” and she said she is cooking food. And it was then when you realized that food needs to be cooked. It’s not that when you feel hungry, you ask for it and get it.

Few years passed and you noticed you dad asking your mom what’s for lunch? It wasn’t lunch time then but he was curious to know what’s there for lunch. Why?

Once there was a delay in preparing lunch and mom were worried that the lunch may not be ready by lunch time. We weren’t hungry then but still the assumption that we will be hungry was making her worried.

It’s not just food, in everything about life we humans worry; we prepare, and take measures to ensure that we are on a safer side of an imaginary danger. We the humans, born with an instinct to live the moment, are fear bred all our life. The Baby is born with an instinct to live the moment. It doesn’t know what fear is, but all our life we feed it with statutory warnings.

And one day he is so filled with fear that he becomes you.
