The Problem with the Solutions

The Problem with the Solutions

Death is the most scary thing for the living, it’s unacceptable!

The life schedule, the appointments, 

the transactions, the encashments, the refunds, 

vacations and the checkups, 

every damn routine gets messed up

if someone in the remotest dies. 

Phone calls need to be made, 

rescheduling needs to be done, 

rebookings need to be made,

loses to adjust, balance sheets to redraw, 

a granny less but thousand headaches more,

it’s a mess when someone dies.  

We carry on our investigations 
and excavations to find,
the final solution - immortality. 
But in the meanwhile,
we employ our philosophers and theologians
to come up with workaround, 
God, Karma, Heaven and Hell,  Virgins and Wine.
